My Personal Health Journey

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

He is HERE!

I know it's been a while since I updated this blog section - but I have a good reason. Carter Alan Borley was born on Monday, September 12th at 4:32 PM. NO DRUGS! WOW! Labor started around 12:30 PM after my water broke while being checked. I guess I was having contractions prior to that as well - just didn't feel them. The doctor was pretty surprised I didn't feel them as they were "good" ones.

After my water broke, I still didn't really feel the contractions for a while. 4 hours of labor & only - get this - 10 MINUTES of pushing! No epidural, no pudendal block, & yes, lots of pain. But I realized something. With my first two boys I had intrathecals when I thought I just couldn't go on anymore. With Carter, when I felt like that & didn't give in to it - it was just a matter of minutes before I was complete & could push. I could have done it before - I just didn't know it! And the 10 minutes - I think it was that short of time because I could feel it. When you're all numbed up down there - sure, you might appreciate it at the moment, but it takes longer to push that baby out! PLUS, I wasn't nearly as swollen after this delivery as I was with the first 2. No kidding.

I'm recuperating just fine. Carter is doing well. I've kind of decided that Well Baby checks are all fine & good for new Moms or if you have problems with one thing or another. But for me, I think I will pass on them. We had to return to the pediatrician the day after going home. Carter's bilirubin was a bit high & he was jaundice. Jaundice is pretty normal with newborns. And in my opinion, hospitals really ought to expose babies to sunlight within the first 24 hours. This would help them drastically.

Anyway, the doctor we saw, although meaning well, treated me like a first time Mom. This is my 3rd baby people! I know that diaper rash happens. I know that the first 3 days of a breastfed babies life will bring weight loss. But what did she do? She wanted me to wake him every 2 hours to feed him. Hmmm. . .never wake a sleeping baby??? He didn't like that much at all. Nor did I. She is nuts! Anyway, I had to return the next day as well. OK, this is not exactly easy when I'm supposed to be getting rest. Being gone to her office, waiting for the doctor to actually see him & wait for results from the bilirubin test - NOT my idea of a good time. Then I didn't get a nap because I have 2 other boys that need to be picked up from daycare by a certain time.

So anyway - she also felt the need to tell me that I may have to supplement. Yeah right! This was the day after getting out of the hospital. My milk had JUST come in. There was no way I was going to supplement. OH, and then the next day - you'll love this, I had pumped some breast milk as I was engorged. She thought maybe I should breast feed him & then give him what I pumped. DUH, the child eats for 20 minutes on both sides & then he pretty much is full - there is no way he was going to take more after that! I still had milk left in me!!!

Diaper rash - for the love of Pete! I know what to do for this! He poops a lot. I change him a lot. He got a little red. No big deal.

Then, because he stools a lot (after every feeding - which is normal) she says, "If he continues to have frequent stools we may need to talk about dietary change." NOT! I eat better than she does for the love of Pete! Babies poop! And she even has children of her own. She obviously feels she needs to medicalize everything.

Well, my almost 5 year old is having a fit. Obviously I'm not quite sleep deprived enough. He feels I need to stay up to answer his every need. That's an entirely different story.

I'll try to keep updating. I just need a schedule:)

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I am so angry right now! A friend of mine knows someone who has a very young daughter who suffered from seizures. They went to Mayo for treatment. After trying the "regular" regimen of drug therapy with no success & I think trying electro stimulation of some sort, the doctors there came up with "the only alternative." Do you know what that was? To do a lobotomy! In laymens terms, to remove part of her brain that they felt was causing the seizures.

My friend suggested to the mother that they first might try an alternative method just to see if it had any affect. The alternative method? Chiropractic. Now I realize that not everyone supports chiropractic treatment. . .and that is OK. . .but tell me something. . .if your child was having massive seizures & had been given every drug imaginable - drugs that have shown to stop seizures - and they had no effect - wouldn't you be willing to try something that would do no harm to the child before removing part of her brain?

OK, so they decided not to try chiropractic - they did the surgery to remove part of her brain - the part they believed to be the focal point of the seizure activity. IT DIDN'T WORK! So what did they suggest? MORE surgery to remove a larger area of her brain. Keep in mind here that there is a pretty significant amount of your brain that other parts of your brain can compensate for. This is why some people can kill off millions & millions of brain cells by, let's say, drinking copious amounts of alcohol & appear "normal" & function "normally." Again, before this surgery, my friend pleaded with the mother to explore another option first. Our chiropractor offered to drive to Minnesota himself to evaluate this little girl & treat her for FREE! Again, they denied the help & went with the surgery.

So now half of her brain is gone. That's right, half! And guess what? She is still having frequent seizures. Will she ever have quality of life? Most likely not. And guess what? They still haven't figured out what it is that is causing her seizures. They are stretching as far as guessing that it might be in tune with the cycles of the moon. For the love of God! Do these doctors think that possibly, maybe even a minute chance, that this could be due to the wiring system that controls the entire body? Couldn't it possibly be from something in her nervous system going the wrong way???? Wouldn't you be willing to take the chance that a chiropractor could help the situation before removing a child's brain???????

As you can tell, I'm a little perplexed by this & very upset over it.

This little girl doesn't have a chance.


I've been blasted by the cravings! I've been doing so well with not inundating my body with harmful sugar. Now I just couldn't hold back when the boys brought home candy from the campsite last weekend. It called me! I need to get it out of the house. It makes me feel so crappy. I don't know why I give in!!!!!

If you would like to read about how harmful sugar can be go to It's an awesome site & I subscribe to the newsletter. I find the articles to be well written. I also go to the cross references to check out the sources. Whenever I read any health related info I like to check its credibility. There is tons of info out there!

I am feeling the effects of my early afternoon binge. I'm exhausted! Any candy we have left in this house is leaving. I can't allow it to be near me. I'm like a recovering addict.

Time to try to reenergize. I think if I get moving I might be able to wear some of this off & perk up a bit.

Still no baby born. Soon!