My Personal Health Journey

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One step forward. . .

And 2 steps BACK! Read: to see what I mean. . And tonight wasn't very much better. . . (did that make sense? Hmmm) I did, however, do some Wii boxing today & built up quite a nice sweat. . I know, TMI. . . I'm still kind of sore. . .but not as sore as I was yesterday. I'm on the upswing. HA - get it? UpSWING??? Tee hee. . .must be the cheese & chips I just ate getting to me! Yup, I did it again. . .I ate past 8PM. I'm going right to good eating Hell for this one. . . plus I ate a sugar cookie that was in the freezer. IT'S that freezer's fault! It's to blame for the GSC fiasco last night & then again tonight with the sugar cookie. . . If only I would have self control!!!!

I can feel the fat racing to my hips & butt cheeks. Oh, by the way, "butt crack" has now become Carter's words of choice for name calling. Great! I think I can thank my almost 6 year old, Parker for that one. Of course, it gets a rise out of us. . .so he just spews it out until he's a rolling heap of giggles. That kid is something else!

I work tomorrow. . .so taking the steps & walking swiftly will be on my To Do list for the day. Maybe the 4 flights of steps will be easier now. . .yeah right!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


HOLY COW! I am SO incredibly sore today! I played tennis yesterday morning. . OK, Wii Tennis. . .but tennis just the same. . .but that's not what whooped my butt. I BOXED! And I kicked some royal bootie!!!! I knocked out 4 or 5 guys in a row. I know, hold the applause. I totally rock!
And then last night I took on the boys in some tennis & some baseball. This morning I surely felt the effects of spring training. My shoulders & arms are crying out, "WHAT THE . . ?" My 33 year old muscles are just not used to this anymore. So what did I do today? you may ask. Well, I decided to not push it too much. We must pace ourselves here. Wouldn't want to get a season ending injury after just a couple of days. So instead I have been doing some coloring with Carter, some clean up, clean up with Carter & some dishes - not with Carter. I also jogged a few hundred yards with our dog, Bailey. (I'm attempting to be the Dog Whisperer with her. . .had to get out some of that pent up energy. Something tells me we have a long way to go. Bailey is supposed to be about 15 to 18 pounds. . .she's about 25 right now:( Oops. Bad doggy Mommy!) I digress. . . I then shoveled some of the snow & ice away from the house to aid in melting. THAT did it. . . shoulders are not happy right now. I don't know if I will have the stamina to make supper tonight.

I will survive! Tomorrow it's back to boxing & tennis again. Hopefully I'll be able to update you with the progress. (If my arms still work.)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gotta Start NOW!!!

OK, so I looked in the mirror this evening. ..and I do have frumpy clothes on this evening . . . but HOLY COW! I have added some padding to my midsection over the last several months. I have to start NOW to get it gone. I should have started before I gained it. . .but better late than never.

So, let it be known that I, Jennifer Borley, will begin my weight loss efforts. I will exercise. I will drink more water. I will consume less crap food. I will lounge less. I will try not to eat past 8 PM.

OK. . .that being said, I do have a bit of a craving right now. . . but NO! I will not surrender. I started my Perfect Cleanse today & I will take the bedtime dose of whatever that is. . .and the required water to go with it & then some (I always drink a lot of water).

Wish me luck. I think I will go ahead & measure myself in the morning. I don't have a scale. . .so that will wait until I go to work to get that part. I am guessing I have a good 10 pounds to lose.

I will not purchase new clothes until I drop a pants size. . . because I just went up a pants size & that is not making me very happy. I will probably have to wear a skirt for Easter!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Long Time No See

It's a shame. . .but it has been WAY too long. I need to get back to my mission of healthy living. So much has happened in the past year. . . we moved, Scott changed jobs, I cut back on my job. . .

anyway, we're all doing fine. I had surgery last August 31st. . .that's 2007. I realize it's been quite a while since I've posted here. . . Anyway, I fixed some issues that got a bit messed up with pregnancy & being on my feet too much. Enough said, I also gained some weight following the surgery due to inactivity. I now weigh approx 132 or so. . .depending on the day & the scale. This weight does not bother me but the feeling of not being in shape does. OK, the increase in size of jeans ticks me off a bit too. . .but I'll get over that. If only the weight had been gained in my chest! Not so lucky in that area.

Anyway, I've got to get back to working out. This weather is just an excuse to not be active. I must start to make some efforts.

Wish me luck!