My Personal Health Journey

Saturday, July 08, 2006

weigh in

126! Unfortunately, my breasts are shrinking fast as well:(

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Welcome Back

I've been a slacker. Here's the update:
I tried going off the Synthroid for the thyroid. . . didn't happen. I just couldn't tough it out with the fatigue, hot flashes, nausea & tremors. I lasted about 8 days & then started them back up. I need to get back into a regular fitness schedule to help promote the T3 to T4 & then wean myself off of the Synthroid most likely. Oh, and another lovely thing that happened. . .I got my period back. I think that was thanks to going off the med & the 2 shifts in one week's time that I didn't have a chance to pump during the 12 hours. Thank you very much. YUCK! hated that part.

My stats: weight - around 128 I think. That's still 10 pounds more than prepregnancy. I don't mind this. I actually have breasts yet. . .maybe I'll breastfeed and/or pump for quite a while yet! LOL. (Carter has teeth. . .we'll see. I figure when they're old enough to ask for it - it might be time to wean.)

We bought bicycles. I can see exercise fitting in a little easier now as I can keep the kids busy with this as well:)

I might incorporate this blog into my other one. We'll see.

Jen Borley