My Personal Health Journey

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The weigh in

I weighed myself today. I lost a couple of pounds! Yay for me. I started out at 118 lb right before I found out I was pregnant. I gained - ready for this? - 47 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost 11 when I had him. He was 8lb 4oz - so that's not really much of a loss. So 165 - 11 = 154lbs. Today when I weighed myself I weighed 146lbs. So that's an 8 lb weight loss within the past couple of weeks. I wasn't really trying yet either. Yay!

I need to measure my parts: hips, waist, bust (yikes!), thighs, arms, etc. I want to be able to compare my measurements from pre working out to working out.

Well, it's already 10 PM & I work in the morning. The little man really ate quite a bit today & I don't have anything to pump:( Looks like I'll be getting up with the squirt tonight even though I have to wake up at 6:30 to get to work on time. Oh well, I only work from 8 AM to Noon.

Maybe I'll get the chance to do measurements tomorrow. I'll keep this updated now that I'm on a mission of sorts. Oh, and I'm back to being strict on what I eat. I think some MSG slipped into my diet in the past couple of weeks & whoa, was I feeling it. Maybe that's why I lost 8 pounds!

Catch ya later.


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